Meet Dave Rohee
Author, Entrepreneur, Journalist & Photographer
A retired commercial airline pilot with over 40 years of aviation and aircraft experience in many fields, including aircraft maintenance, flight operations, pilot training, and marketing of corporate aircraft.
His career started in British Guiana (Guyana) in the early ’60s as an aircraft mechanic, then as a bush pilot flying over the heavily forested regions of South America. He survived the dangers of single-engine operations for many years. He moved on to a new and more structured career and eventually as Captain in the national airline.
Having lived in six countries during his unique aviation career, he has accumulated extraordinary experiences, incidents, and events that have led him to become an author and published writer of true stories of some of his adventures.
He started a company to develop aviation training for new pilots in foreign countries and successful in achieving approval for a Flight School in China.
Dave is now a Freelance journalist – Writing articles on various subject matters, including Travel, Health & Wellness, Climate Change and all aspects of the Aviation industry.
Published author of two books. Kidnapped & Bush Flying.
Dave is part of the team of corporate writers for Model Works Direct. He writes articles on custom model aircraft and writes a series called – From Static Models to Flying Machines!
My new career in Freelance Journalism and Photography brings my forty-plus years of aviation expertise, general business operations, and international marketing knowledge to share with you many exciting adventures including me becoming a new author.

From My Blog

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Denise Gold - Pres./Owner of Better Hearing Care, Inc.
“I have known Dave Rohee for a few years, and he has been very helpful to our hearing aid office with several written projects email blasts and newsletters, announcements, editing some marketing pieces before mailing, and participating in a testimonial article for a local health publication.
His writing style has been eloquent, informative, interesting, and fun! I am looking forward to working with him again on future projects!”
Michael W. Zelenski - International Pilot, Executive, Entrepreneur, Board Member, Defence.
“I had the pleasure of working closely with Dave in an executive capacity for a number of years on domestic and international projects with Avmax Group, WMM Partners Ltd., and L3 Communications.
The monetary scope of these projects at times reaches into the multi-millions, lending an extreme focus on our message delivery every step of the way. Dave’s talent of tapping into his wealth of varied and impressive experience for the purposes of relaying a message via written word was always extraordinary.
A great deal of our corporate success was due to Dave’s ability to tell a story at the boardroom table or on paper and then to deliver above what was expected.
As a colleague, Dave is unwavering in his integrity, and as a writer/storyteller he is inspiring and motivating. People with his experience and abilities are rare, and I have no doubt that his personal success story will continue.”
Leyland A. Muss - Senior Consultant, L. A. Muss, and Associates Human Resources Consulting Services
I have known Dave for many years since we were in college. He was an adventurous young man who was bent on flying. After leaving college, he started his dream of flying. However, before getting in the cockpit, he wanted to know everything about aviation from the grassroots up.
He was an apprentice, a skilled mechanic, a bush pilot, and finally a captain with a national airline. Dave even started and ran his own cargo airline between Miami and Guyana. When he flew for Guyana Airways, Dave was very involved in ferrying troops into the hinterland to assist the army in aborting a revolution.
In his later life, Dave became an author and freelance journalist writing about his exploits in the several countries in which he lived. He has authored and published two best-sellers, Kidnapped – A Living Nightmare and Bush Flying – A Pilot’s Nightmare.
I look forward to his future books and aviation blogs which I’m sure will be exciting and enjoyable.
I have a few more requests out. How many do you feel would be enough?

Capture the Moment
The story of an aviation event that almost took the life of the pilot during his early days of bush flying. Flying in the heavily forested interior of the only English-speaking country in South America, you will fly along with the author, and witness the dramatic events that unfolded in the early days of his aviation career.

This is a true account of the incredible personal tragedy that befell the author during his four years spent in China, developing a new aviation business in this unique country of well over a Billion and a half heavily controlled population by its government.